The Ethio-Hellenic Business Chamber is an indipendant, non-profit organisation whose purpose is to promote bilateral trade, business, investment and cultural relations between Hellas (Greece) and Ethiopia.

Founded in 2017, the Ethio-Hellenic Business Chamber was officialy nominated a Bilateral Chamber by Presidential Decree 52 of the Hellenic Republic. It is an autonomus venture funded by its members, aiming to activities that would contribute to improve the business, cultural and touristic relations between the two countries.

" The name “Ethiopia” comes from the Greek words aitho and ops, which together mean “burnt face.” This was how the ancient Greeks referred to the dark-skinned people of eastern Africa. "

— Milkias, Paulos. Ethiopia (Africa in Focus). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2011.

Hellas (Greece) and Ethiopia are amongst the oldest nations of this planet. In that sense the basin of signs that someone could identify and put up together from the different expressions of their centuries old culture is immense.

However we have chosen a less sophisticated and more down to earth sign that would quickly and clearly indicate how the collaboration of the two people can successfully lift and hold the challenging burdens of our times. We will be utmost pleased if our Chamber contributes towards that.

Business, Trade, Industry, Transportation, Tourism, Culture

The Ethio-Hellenic Business Chamber offer its members several services and benefits to assist them in conducting bilateral business between the two countries.

" Man has gone out to explore other worlds and other civilizations without having explored his own labyrinth of dark passages and secret chambers, and without finding what lies behind doorways that he himself has sealed. "

— Carlton Sparks, Executive Officer

The annual Uncode publication showcases 100 of the most innovative solutions from every corner of the globe that are working to create a cleaner, greener future and deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals.

Intelligent Energy Management
Green Bonds for Low-Impact Building
Incentivizing Green Commutes for Employees

Contact us for support, media, or general inquiries.

Our administration office will be happy to contact you about advanced inquiries and to address you to our expert office: